


Can I just say thanks to all the contributors to the 'Search Engines'
thread. An extraordinarily interesting and considered  bunch of
contributions which really helped clarify my thinking. I am intrigued as to
what prompted such detailed and thoughtful contributions (apart from the
quality of list members which I take for granted).  Was it just the topic?
I am intrigued by possibility that the explanation may be that I gather it
is Thanksgiving in USA and presumably people have a public holiday.
Certainly makes a strong case for public holidays increasing productivity -
not the prevailing view of governments in Australia.

Anyway, thanks to all.

Jack Gilding

At 03:46 PM 1/12/98 -0500, Ed McNeeley wrote:
>I was out last week and without e-mail (by choice, and it was nice!) 
>so I read all of this Thanksgiving thread on DC and search engines 
>in one sitting. It looks to me like the thread runs the risk of coming 
>back to the issue of what the major search engines will or won't do 
>with our metadata before some really relevant (IMHO) items get 
>some attention.  I'm thinking of .........

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Jack Gilding                           [log in to unmask] 
Project Manager, EdNA VET Project   
Communications & Multimedia Unit              phone: 03 9412 4427
OTFE, PO Box 266D Melbourne VIC 3001            fax: 03 9412 4452

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