

At 11:40 PM 98.12.4, Andy C Pratt wrote:
> I hope that CGFers can help me with a question I was recently asked by a
> friend who is writing a book about Geography for 5-8 year olds. What are the
> continents of the world ?
> Well, it seems the standard response is: Africa, Asia, South America, North
> American, Europe, Australiasia, Antarctica.

> Of course, the 'real answer' is that it is a social construction. But, that
> simply generates more questions: who created it, who normalised it ? Also,
> what are the other constructions (South American, or Asian geographers might
> have an entirely different taxonomy).

Dear colleague,

In Japan, the standard answer should be: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica.

In some cases, putting Antarctica aside, the world is referred to as "Five Continents".

Hoping this helps a bit.

Harumichi YAMADA, DSc.

Department of Communication Studies
Tokyo Keizai University

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