

The Social Statistics Section of the Royal Statistical Society is holding an
evening meeting on December 15, from 5pm - 7:00pm at the RSS, 12
Erroll Street, London EC1 (Barbican and Moorgate are the nearest
underground stations).  

Tea from 4:30pm. 
MICHAEL RENDALL, Pennsylvania State University.

The Parenting-Lifetimes of Men and Women in the Divorce-Revolution 
Generation: LS and BHPS combined

Synopsis: People embarking on parenthood in the 1970s experienced a
new  regime of marital instability.  To estimate what differences resulted 
between fathers' and mothers' years of living with dependant children, 
ONS Longitudinal Study individuals becoming  parents between  1971
and 1981are projected to 2001 and their intercensal years of 
childrearing estimated from BHPS data.


Celia Macintyre
Honorary Secretary, RSS Social Statistics Section
