

Of course.

From: 	Chauncey Farrell
Sent: 	Tuesday, November 24, 1998 11:34 AM
To: 	[log in to unmask]
Subject: 	Re: Warnig: Medical Magnet Virus

Dean Farwood wrote:

> If you receive a therapeutic medical magnet for treatment of
> musculoskeletal pain DO NOT OPEN IT and DO NOT APPLY IT TO YOUR BODY.
> These magnets contain a virus which will infect your operating system.
> One patient in Gainesville, FL applied a therapeutic medical magnet to
> her neck for treatment of headaches and suffered instant amnesia.  The
> magnet initialized her short and long-term memory.  She is currently a
> ward of the state.  Another patient, a professional golfer from Alaska,
> applied a therapeutic medical magnet to his forearm for treatment of
> tennis elbow and, after only a 10 minute treatment session, found that
> he had gone from a scratch golfer to a 27 handicapper.  Apparently the
> magnet wiped out his forearm motor memory.  This patient is no longer
> able to earn a living as a golfer and has begun vocational retraining as
> a orthopedic technician.  Lastly, an unfortunate little boy in San
> Rafael, California was given a medical magnetic suppository for
> treatment of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity and, although
> this boy is now able to sit still, this benefit is only noted when the
> boy is sitting on a steel chair.  Incidentally, this unfortunate little
> boy collects U.S. currency and as a last wish, has asked that everyone
> send him samples.  Please help this suffering child and send U.S.
> currency for his collection to the address in the signature below.
> Thank you.
> --
> Dean Farwood, P.T.
> Precision Spine Training
> San Rafael, CA, USA

This is a joke, right.