

[cross-posted: if you see this again, you have excellent taste in lists!]

greetings net-savvy librarians:

  in 1995, feedback from professional librarians and the LIS community was
  instrumental in developing the second SavvySearch metasearch service--
  which you may know from its positive reviews in national (USA)
  publications and hyperlinks on library homepages around the world.

  this is an appeal for feedback from the library community before a much
  improved third version of SavvySearch goes live. we know libraries and
  media labs are not only linking to SavvySearch but teaching its use in BI
  curriculum and referring users to SavvySearch via a wide variety of
  library hardware and browsers (including Lynx!).

  if you have your online search act together, we would love your help
  taking the new SavvySearch interface apart. please enjoy 15 minutes off
  from your hectic day, sneak a peek at the new SavvySearch, and make a
  difference in the re-launch of a respected metasearch service by sharing
  your thoughts and suggestions. details and special preview URL below.
--sean :-)                                  sean dreilinger, mlis
                                    mailto:[log in to unmask]

  --== SavvySearch Sneak Preview Invitation ==--

  WHY: we sincerely NEED your expert feedback, whimsical suggestions,
  and overall impression of this sneak-preview SavvySearch interface
  before re-launching as a commercial search service this month.

  HOW: surf to the SavvySearch preview URL below. try it out - search
  for your long lost relatives - find the best price on that book
  you've been wanting - apply for a job - use the Nihongo-language
  interface to find the cheapest flight to Hawaii - buy a car - just
  kick the tires real good and then PLEASE TELL US what you think!

  GOAL: if SavvySearch is (not) the ``search once, find everything''
  solution to your (users') Internet information needs, we need to
  know.  please RSVP and tell us what you (don't) like about
  SavvySearch, and how we might make it better. send the page URL if
  you think something is broken. there is an online survey and a
  dedicated email address for feedback, operators are standing by:
  mailto:[log in to unmask]
  DISTRIBUTION: please run this by your colleagues, your kids, your
  class, classmates, or other personal contacts. BUT: linking to the
  SavvySearch sneak-preview URL in this message or making a formal
  presentation of the new SavvySearch is discouraged. this is a
  limited-time test, during which the interface may evolve. the test
  URL is subject to disappear without notice (see SUBSCRIPTION).

  SUBSCRIPTION: to be informed each time new features are added to
  SavvySearch and to receive a heads-up of the official launch, send a
  blank email message to: mailto:[log in to unmask]

  BACKGROUND: in 1995 SavvySearch debuted as an original parallel
  metasearch service for the world wide web. in 1996 us president
  clinton and vice-president al gore selected SavvySearch to power
  their us business advisor web site. and that was just my brother's
  homework project :-).  in 1997 SavvySearch garnered nationwide press
  for its no-nonsense interface and knack for returning relevant
  results while the monolithic search sites deteriorated into `portals'
  (you know who i'm talking about).

                                            sean dreilinger, mlis
                                    mailto:[log in to unmask]
