

Last calls for anyone interested in:

4 November 1998  2pm   CAQDAS Networking Project Seminar: 

Chair: Nigel Fielding, Professor of Sociology, University of Surrey

Speaker: Alan Cartwright: Introductory seminar/presentation on
CODE-A-TEXT and its uses.  (Code-a-Text multi media qualitative data
analysis - enables analysis direct from sound files) 
Abstract appended. Demonstration version (CD) of the software will be
available at the seminar.

The seminar is to be held in the Sociology Department, University of
Surrey, GUILDFORD, Surrey

Note: Seminars are free - but please confiRm there is space for you by
contacting Ann Lewins.  All those who have already applied for a place
shoudl have received joining instructions last week.

01483 259455
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Code-A-Text Seminar
>The Code-A-Text MultiMedia System is a software package which was developed
>for the study of dialogues presented as audio, video or transcription.  It
>is at its most powerful when the "text" contains the original audio
>recording and a transcription enabling the investigator to simultaneously
>"hear" and "read" their data and view their codes.  Code-A-Text was
>designed to provide flexibility allowing the way the "text" is presented
>for coding and analysis to evolve during the course of a project.  It is
>possible to start a project with a series of audio "texts" (recorded
>directly onto to your portable computer), make an initial coding of these,
>and then transcribe (within Code-A-Text) those sections which are required
>for further study.  Changes in the structure of the segments can be made at
>any time without data loss.  The openness of the "text" (which can also be
>annotated) and three different coding methods (categorical, content and
>numerical) means that the programme can be used for methodologies such as
>Conversation Analysis, Narrative Analysis and Content Analysis done by
>inspection or computer generated procedures.  These methodologies can
>complement each other.  For instance within Code-A-Text you might use a
>graph to identify sections of "text" in which the number of words spoken
>per second changes rapidly then use Conversation or Narrative analyses to
>study the text in detail.
>This seminar will introduce these features starting with digital sound
>recording and concluding with the ways in which results can be output.  In
>between we shall consider, all be it superficially, transcription, text
>segmentation, manual and computer generated codes,  and a variety of
>qualitative and quantitative methods for analysing text.  

Ann Lewins, CAQDAS Networking Project, Dept of Sociology
University of Surrey, GUILDFORD GU2 5XH, U.K 
tel +44(0)1483 259455 fax +44(0)1483 259551  

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