

Re: Reply to abstract from APA 
Fibromyalgia, like many problems has components of emotional and somatic
influences.  Research performed by NIH has found certain serum abnormalities
in patients with FM compared to  controls. For example, low levels of
seretonin,  low levels of magnesium which is a necessary component for
seretonin absorption,  disturbed neuroendocrine functions including the
production of GH, cytokines like interlukin-1, natural killer cells,
abnormally low levels of norepinephrine, low levels of neuropeptide-Y,
abnormal glucose metabolism, elevated levels of substance P in CSF, abnormal
meletonin secretion, low levels of tryptophan, disturbed circadian rhythm,
abnormal cortisol levels, pineal gland dysfunctions and thus pituitary
problems, reduced levels of dopamine.  Not every patient who has FM
demonstrates all of these problems, but combinations of these result in severe
neurologic, hormonal, physiologic, and yes emotional and psychological
Karen Worden,MS,PT
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