

>Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 11:09:10
>To: [log in to unmask]
>From: Jonathan Hutchins <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Knowledge services for primary care
>In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>The problem is that having found citations to relevant papers we can't
quickly get access to a photocopy of the article, despite links to the
local University and to the Medical Library in secondary care. The hospital
library say they don't have enough staff to photocopy articles for us and
that GPs etc should go in and photocopy for themselves. Unfortunately, it
is practically impossible to park at the library and <snip>
I'm reluctant to criticise professional colleagues when I don't know what
their agendas and workloads are, but especially if physical access to the
library is a problem, it seems to me that library staff should recognise an
obligation to provide copies as a service. That's certainly the way it
works here with my library (embedded in an acute Trust, with parking
notoriously impossible): we refuse to copy for users on site, but will copy
and post/fax stuff out to users on other sites, in the community etc. But
then my service level agreement explicitly extends to all NHS and
NHS-related staff in the local area, including primary care, and it may be
different with your secondary care library.

The HE sector can more reasonably refuse to oblige I would think, though
again local arrangements vary.

Incidentally 4 pounds for a BL copy/loan is not a bad deal!! Current cost
of a voucher is 4 pounds 95 incl. VAT, and then if you include staff time
in handling it it works out as over the fiver.

Can you dig around and find out what has happened to HSG(97)47 in your
area? This was the health service circular last year which mandated all
Trusts and HAs to devise a strategy ensuring access for all NHS staff to
library services (by autumn 1998). (should be able to get the text via the
DoH website at: Maybe there's a lever for primary
care in there somewhere (I haven't read it for a while and can't remember).

Given that cooperation is the name of the game it might be worth, if you've
any pilot money still unspent, approaching the Medical Librarian and
offering to part fund some clerical support. This might call their bluff if
the photocopying workload issue is not the real problem, and if it is then
it might make everybody happy.

Jonathan Hutchins, Library Services Manager
Royal Surrey County Hospital
Egerton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XX
tel: 01483 464138   fax: 01483 576240
So what? I thought. If we start electing
presidents on tne basis of their sexual purity,
some *real* monsters will get into the White House.
               (Hunter S.Thompson, February 1992)
