

In article <EB62C0C34246D111A39A00805FA6A85501E2B02D@EMS2>, dated Thu,
15 Oct 1998 at 10:12:21, Ponting R  (SApS) <[log in to unmask]> writes
>I have seen this sort of message being circulated many times.  These are
>hoaxes and should be ignored!!!
>If you receive such, don't pass it on.

Absolutely! Although any email with the subject "Win a Holiday" is
likely to be a confidence trick of some sort and wouldn't be worth
reading anyway! For further education on virus hoaxes see




P.S. The original email was also cross-posted to two separate mailing
lists, i.e. it had two mailing list addresses in the same mail item.
This should also be avoided as it can create confusing bounces when
those that reply are not subscribers to all those lists and do not trim
addressees accordingly.
Chris Salter (Vice Chairman)             Lincolnshire Post-Polio Network
                    Registered Charity No. 1064177
     Web Site & Vice Chairman Email: [log in to unmask]
           Honorary Secretary Email: [log in to unmask]
        Member of the British Healthcare Internet Association
