

Pardon E. Tillinghast wrote:

> I do seem to remember that the Irish
> tended to be Vagantes more than say the Anglo-Saxons did; their poetry (at
> least back in Ireland) suggests that they wandered a lot too. I think the
> idea of TERRITORIAL bishops wasn't big with the Irish at this time. 

There is a good summary of recent thought on the early Irish church,
and the whole issue of the existence or otherwise of a `Celtic'
church, in Wendy Davies' chapter in `The Early Church in Wales and
the West', eds. Nancy Edwards and Alan Lane (1995?). The article has
an excellent bibliography. Anyone interested in how `territorial'
Irish bishops were, and their role in the Irish ecclesiatic
situation, should look at Kathleen Hughes, `The Church in Early
Irish Society' (1966), and `Early Christian Ireland: An Introduction
to the Sources' (1972?)

Ron Ross
Archaeological Research Consultancy of the 
University of Sheffield (ARCUS)
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