

Having just said I don't have the critical ed. of the Vulgate at hand, I
looked up on my shelf and there it was -- not packed away in a box after

The critical edition is the Biblical Sacra Iuxta Versionem Vulgatam, ed. R.
Weber.  My edition is from the American Bible Society.  2 vols., green
flexible clothback cover.  Tiny print, no capital letters.

Beware, by the way, of the "Nova Vulgata" version (1991). This is the
Vatican's new standard Latin translation, modelled on the Vulgate but
intended to be a first-rate, new Latin translation of the best Greek and
Hebrew texts -- it's not the Vulgate medievalists are interested.

Patrick J. Nugent
Department of Religion
Earlham College
Richmond, Indiana  47374 USA
