

Mario B. Mignone ([log in to unmask]) and Charles Franco
([log in to unmask]) have kindly supplied me with a treasure of
recent publications of interest for Italian Studies, among them a copy of
_Forum Italicum_, vol. 32, No. 1 (Spring 1998), the contents of which I am
pleased to announce to the list. For previous issues of Forum Italicum
please see the website of the Center for Italian Studies at Stony Brook,
where you can find, among other good things, the tables of contents and
selected online post-prints from the issues Fall '95, Spring '96, Fall '96
and Fall '97:

Forum Italicum

Michael Ricciardelli, Founder and Senior Editor; Mario B. Mignone, Editor;
Center for Italian Studies, State University of New York at Stony Brook,
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3358 USA, e-mail [log in to unmask] 

Volume 32, No. 1, Spring 1998
ISSN 0014-5858



Amilcare A. Iannucci (Univ. of Toronto)
>From Dante's _Inferno_ to _Dante's Peak_: The Influence 
of Dante on Film...........................................5-35

Patrizia Palumbo (Univ. of Iowa)
The Body of Christ and Religious Power in Angelo of
Foligno's _Libro_.........................................36-50

Elissa Tognozzi (Univ. of California, Los Angeles)
La Natura come corrispondente esterno ad una condizione
psicologica-sentimentale nel _Canzoniere_ (con 
particolare enfasi su _Zephiro torna_)....................51-62

Simona Wright (The College of New Jersey)
La guerra al femminile, tra esperienza e comunicazione
letteraria: _L'Agnese va a morire_, _Lessico famigliare_,
_Prima e dopo_............................................63-85

Anna Maria Torriglia (Univ. of Illinois)
"Time Is No Longer The Same": Ambivalence and Denial or
The Uneasy Relationship with the past in Pietro Germi's
_Gioventu\ Perduta_ and Roberto Rossellini's _Germania
Anno Zero_................................................86-107

Pierpaolo Antonello (Stanford Univ.)
Paesaggi della mente. Su Italo Calvino...................108-131

Notes and Interviews

Robert Bufalini (College of the Holy Cross)
Alberto Fortis and the Edges of Europe: Preromantic
Fashion and Vergilian Tradition in the Service of
Enlightened Reform.......................................132-140

Paola Caru\ (Universitet i Bergen)
New portrayals of "old" characters: Anna Banti's 
Beatrice and Laura.......................................141-151

Luciano Parisi (Oxford Brookes University)
Contributi laici a una storia letteraria del
sentimento religioso in Italia...........................152-171

Gloria Lauri-Lucente (Univ. of Michigan)
Giovanni Cecchetti and the Voices of Poetry..............172-176

Michael P. McDonald
Il mestiere del critico: una intervista
a Mario Luzi.............................................177-195


Sandra Rainero
Farfariello e gli altri: inediti di Eduardo
   La Lingua 'Taliana - _Macchietta_.....................202-204
   La Carta Cittadina....................................205-207
   'O Campanile..........................................208-209


The Truth about Beatrice by Anna Banti
Translated by Paola Caru\.................................210-214

Laura's Pleasures by Anna Banti
Translated by Paola Caru\.................................215-218

The Fire on Kepler Street by Carlo Emilio Gadda
Translated by Arnold Hartley..............................219-231

A Selection or POEMS BY Ferruccio Brugnaro
Translated by Kevin Bongiorni and Reinhold Grimm..........232-242


Paola Sica

Review Article

Luca Somigli (Univ. of Toronto)
Reading Eco in North America..............................254-262
[about _Reading Eco_, a collection of essays edited
by Rocco Capozzi, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana
U.P., 1997, 476 pp.]


Martin L. McLaughlin. _Literary Imitation in the Italian
Renaissance: The Theory and Practice of Literary 
Imitation in Italy from Dante to Bembo._ Oxford: 
Clarendon Press, 1995. Pp. 314.
   Sherry Roush (Yale Univ.)..............................263-265

Laura Benedetti. _La sconfitta di Diana. Un percorso
per la "Gerusalemme liberata."_ Ravenna: Longo Editore,
1996. Pp. 148.
   Maria Pastore Passaro (Central Connecticut 
   State Univ.)...........................................265-267

Gustavo Costa. _Vico e l'Europa. Contro la "boria 
delle nazioni."_ Milano: Guerini e Associati, 1996.
Pp. 183
   Massimo Lollini (Univ. of Oregon)......................267-270

M. M. Sevilla, M. A. Pastor, J. Villalobos, eds.
_Cuadernos sobre Vico._ nos. 7 and 8 (1997) Sevilla:
Centro de Investigaciones sobre Vico. Pp. 494.
   Gabriel Pihas (Yale Univ.).............................270-272

Umberto Eco. _Kant e l'ornitorinco._ Milano:
Bompiani, 1997. Pp. 454.
   Rocco Capozzi (Univ. of Toronto).......................272-275

Novella Bellucci. _Giacomo Leopardi e i contemporanei.
Testimonianze dall'Italia e dall'Europa in vita e in
morte del poeta._ Firenze: Ponte alle Grazie, 1996.
Pp. 541.
   Paolo Possiedi (Montclair State Univ.).................275-279

Giacomo Leopardi. _Canti._ Selected and introduced
by Franco Fortini and translated by Paul Lawton.
Dublin: UCD Foundation for Italian Studies, 1996.
Pp. 176.- Giacomo Leopardi. _Selected Poems._ Trans-
lated by Eamon Grennan. Princeton: Princeton Uni-
versity Press, 1997. Pp. XXIV + 89.
   Paolo Possiedi (Montclair State Univ.).................279-282

Luigi Ballerini, ed. _La linea longobarda._ Saratoga:
ANMA Libri, 1996. Pp. 144.
   Alessandro Carrera (New York Univ.)....................282-284

Alberto Papuzzi, ed. _Autobiografia, Norberto Bobbio._
Bari: Laterza, 1997. Pp. 274.
   Anna Maria Torriglia (Univ. of California at Padua)....285-287

John Gatt-Rutter. _Oriana Fallaci: The Rhetoric of 
Freedom._ Oxfor, Washington D.C.: Berg, 1996. Pp. 212
   Grace Russo Bullardo (City Univ. of New York,
   Lehman College)........................................287-289

Peter Carravetta. _Il fantasma di Hermes. Saggio su
metodo retorica interpretare._ Lecce: Milella, 1996. 
Pp. 418.
   Massimo Lollini (Univ. of Oregon)......................289-291

V. A. Goddard. _Gender, Family and Work in Naples._
Oxford and Washington D.C.: Berg, 1996. Pp. 264.
   Grace Russo Bullaro (CUNY-Lehman College)..............291-293

Stefania Buccini. _The Americas in Italian Literature
and Culture._ University Park: Penn State Press, 1997.
Pp. 226.
   Margherita Marchione (Fairleigh Dickinson Univ.)......293-296

Walter Euchner, Francesca Rigotti, Pierangelo
Schiera. _Il potere delle immagini. La metafora
politica in prospettiva storica._ Bologna: Il
Mulino; Berlin: Duncker & Humboldt, 1995. Pp. 413
   Franco Ratto (Univ. di Roma, La Sapienza).............296-298

Margherita Marchione. _Yours is a Precious Witness:
Memoirs of Jews and Catholics in Wartime Italy._
Mahwah: Paulist Press, 1997. Pp. 259.
   Fabian Alfie (Univ. of Arizona).......................298-300

Alberto Granese, Sebastiano Martelli, and Enrico
Spinelli, eds. _I Gaurico e il rinascimento meri-
dionale._ Salerno: Centro studi sull'umanesimo
meridionale, 1992. Pp. viii + 581.
   William J. Kennedy (Cornell Univ.)....................300-301

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