

I am trying to put together a protocol that a health visitor can follow, by 
which she will be able to order chest X-rays for: -

	immigrants who have not been X-rayed at the port of entry; and 
	contacts of cases of tuberculosis.

Does anybody have any such protocols that I could adapt to local use?

Does anybody have any protocols by which nurses can order X-rays - e.g. in 
casualty? If I will have to develop a protocol from scratch I need to try 
to include al the appropriate contraindications, and I would rather not 
have to re-invent the wheel. 


Dr Peter M B English
Consultant in Communicable Disease Control
Surrey Communicable Disease Control Service
c/o East Surrey Health Authority
West Park Road
Surrey KT19 8PH

Tel 01372 731024
Fax 01372 731093 
Email [log in to unmask] 
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