

Dear all: The problem of primary care attenders will never be resolved. The
perception of the population at large is that they are entitled to free
care 24 hrs a day 365 days a year. Demand will continue to outstrip our
ability to supply. This is happening not only in general practice and A&E
but also with the monumental increase in the utilasation of ambulances. Is
the time right to start discussing charging. Only by severely restrciting
the services by introducing finacial burdens will the inappropiate attender
to all the services be deterred. The money thgus raised could then be
plowed back into the primary care and the interphase to secondary care i.e
ambulances and A&E Dept.

Safety nets can be put in place and programs for fisrt aid and self help
can be finances by the income generated.

Lets have a serious discussion and see what the list thinks.

