

Heather Hughes, co-editor of Source, was telling me yesterday about Lady
Mary Well at Stapeley, Shropshire.  This was a very neglected well which a
local enthusiast had been trying to get tidied up.  

He managed to some people from the Sacred Land project to come and look
at it.  It was full of agricultural rubbish - grass clippings etc - which
had rotted down, and apparently one of the Sacred Land guys said, "What's
that over there?" and what it turned out to be was a Celtic stone head,
about 2000 years old.

It's being dated etc at the moment but it does seem to be a genuine
ancient stone head - a very exciting find and yet more evidence for the
link between wells and heads.

Word has got around about the find and as a result, pilgrims are starting
to visit Lady Mary Well.  



Katy Jordan		Subject Librarian 
				European Studies & Modern Languages	
				Architecture & Civil Engineering
			Staff Development & Training Officer

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