

On 11 Jul 98, Ionut Epurescu wrote:

> Dear all,

> I'm doing a research on medieval testaments and I'm curious to
> know if there is any material on this topic available on the WWW.
> If you know any site containing articles, documents, etc.,
> relative to medieval testaments, could you please send me its URL
> at my bellow mentioned email address.
> Thank you for your time,
> Ionut

Dear Ionut,

Estonian Ruut Allik recently wrot a fine piece of article on late medieval
revalian (Tallinn) testaments published in Zeitschrift für  Ostmitteleuropa-
Forschung, 46. Jahrgang 1997, Heft 2. (Revaler Testamente aus dem
15. Jahrhundert. Das Testament des Revaler Bürgers Gerd Satzem
(1491)). It includes english summary, which can be found at:

With all the best,

Tapio Salminen

Tapio Salminen
University of Tampere
Department of History
P.O.Box 607
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Office: +358-3-21 57 196
GSM:    +358-40-50 71 513
On tour:
20.-24.7. Tallinn, Estonia.
4.-5.9.   Dies medievales 98,
          Hämeenlinna, Finland
10.-13.9. Tallinn, Estonia
27.-31.1.1999 Roma, Italia
