

On Fri, 17 Jul 1998, Weibel,Stu wrote:

> Content-MD5: DZe7slLrLcC+vL+yxBE9Vw==
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> There is no question of DC being limited to only networked resources.
> There  is a considerable collection of people (especially the museum
> folks) very much committed to this.
> stu

As one of that considerable number, I had always assumed that the words 
_resource discovery_ referred to the discovery of resources by means of 
the internet. Obviously it will be some time before we can digitise and 
communicate the actual objects, so I see DC as being a means by which an 
enquirer can determine where objects of interest are located, and, 
hopefully, whether or not they are then worth travelling to view. In many 
cases it will be the information associated with the objects which is of
interest, and DC should be able to guide people to the sources of that 
information. IIRC, David Bearman himself said something along these 
lines at DC5 in Helsinki. 

Ian O. Morrison, Scottish Museums Documentation
Officer & SCRAN Data Co-ordinator,
National Museums of Scotland, Edinburgh EH1 1JF