

Sebastian Hammer wrote about the GILS profile:

>However, it contains an "availability" element, which is specifically
>intended to reference practically any type of resource - online
>document or database; offline printed document; organisation or
>individual person. Of course, the same resource can be available in
>multiple forms, and at varying cost.

The Australian Government Locator Service (AGLS) also wanted to use a
single set of metadata elements for facilitating discovery of both
electronic and physical resources.  They decided to extend Dublin Core
with an "availability" element similar to the GILS element.

A report from December 1997 is available at:

A more detailed report, giving semantics and examples for AGLS will be
published "real soon now".

Nigel Ward---------------------------------------------------------------
Research Data Network CRC
DSTC Pty Ltd, Gehrmann Laboratories         phone/fax: +61 7 3365 4310/11
University of Queensland, 4072, AUSTRALIA        email: [log in to unmask]