

On the advice of veteran list member Phyllis Roberts, Jacqueline Hamesse -- Director 
of the Belgian Academy of Rome, Secretary of the International Federation of 
Medieval Institutes, and Professor of Philosophy at the Universite' Catholique de 
Louvain-la-Neuve -- has asked me to ask you the following:

On m'a demande de faire un article sur La saintete' erudite pour un
catalogue d'une exposition a la Vaticane. C'est un sujet qui a ete peu
traite jusqu'a ce jour et je ne trouve rien comme bibliographie. Avez-vous
des idees a ce sujet ou connaissez-vous des publications qui traitent de ce
theme ? Vos suggestions seront les bienvenues.

I'm intrigued by this theme as well, and equally stumped by it. Is there any 
hagiographical literature that puts forth, for example, Thomas Aquinas as a type of 
saint that can be deemed 'learned'? And how did the title 'doctor' come to evolve 
when used to describe certain saints? These are just two queries that come to mind 
as a result of Jacqueline's query.

Speaking of which: any ideas? Suggestions? I'll pass along our discussion and 
information to Jacqueline.

Best wishes, o eruditi...

George Ferzoco                   tel ++  44  (0)116  252 2654
Director of Italian Studies      fax ++  44  (0)116  252 3633
University of Leicester          e-mail  [log in to unmask]
School of Modern Languages
