

1. A couple months ago I asked whether or not anything had superseded
Moore's census of Dante's references to Virgil. A few weeks ago Otfried
pointed me to the following, which I pass on to you:

	Hollander, Robert. "Le opere di Virgilio nella Commedia di 
	Dante." Dante e la "bella scola" della poesia: Autorita\ e 
	sfida poetica. Ed. Amilcare A. Iannucci. Ravenna: Longo, 1993. 

It doesn't include Dante's earlier works (which Moore's census did), but it
more than doubles the number of items in previous lists.

2. While I am on the subject of Dante, I am wondering if there is any
scholarly consensus on Dante's knowledge of John of Salisbury's
Policraticus. (I've checked several eds. of De monarchia, and don't find
his name in the indices there.)

David Wilson-Okamura         [log in to unmask]
University of Chicago    Online Virgil discussion, bibliography & links
