

Today, 26 May, is the feast of ... 

* Quadratus, bishop of Athens (c. 129) - wrote a treatise (now lost) to
emperor Hadrian in defence of Christians; in it, he claimed to have known
persons healed or resurrected by Jesus 

* Priscus or Prix, and companions, martyrs (c. 272) - during Aurelian
persecution, they fled from Besancon to Auxerre, but were killed there;
their bodies were discovered by Germanus in the early fifth century 

* Lambert, bishop of Vence (1154) - oblate and monk of Lerins before
serving as bishop for 40 years 

* Eva of Liege, virgin (c. 1265) - helped institute the feast of Corpus
Christi; pope Urban IV sent her the bull authorizing the feast 

* Philip Neri (1595) - founder of the Oratorians; one of the earliest of
its priests was Baronius, the historian 

Carolyn Muessig
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