

Today 9 May is the feast of ...

Beatus, hermit (112) - It was believed that he had been baptised in
England by the Apostle St Barnabas, and than was sent to evangelise
Switzerland by St Peter. His cave, located above the lake of Thun where he
was reputed to have slain a dragon, became a favourite place of pilgrimage
throughout the Middle Ages.

Gregory of Nazianzen, bishop of Constantinople (390) - Often preached
sermons on the Trinity, much to the dislike of the Arians.

Pachomius, abbot (348) - Butler writes: Although St Antony is often
reckoned the founder of Christian monasticism, that title belonged more
properly to St Pachomius.

Gerontius, bishop of Cervia (501) - All that is known about Gerontius is
that he was bishop of Cervia in the diocese of Ravenna and that he was
murdered by *ungodly men*. A Benedictine abbey was dedicated in his honour
on the spot where he was killed.

Nicholas Albergati, bishop of Bologna and cardinal (1443) - Was held in
great veneration by the Carthusians and the Augustinian friars. So great
was the this cardinal's reputation as a mediator that he was called the
*the Angel of Peace*.

Carolyn Muessig
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