

Today, 1 May, is the feast of ... 

Philip and James, apostles (first century) 

Amator or Amate, bishop of Auxerre (418): Amator was the only son of
distinguished citizens of Auxerre, who affianced him to a young heiress
named Martha, although he expressed a strong disinclination for the
married state. On the wedding day the guests assembled, and the aged
Bishop Valerian, instead of reading the nuptial blessing, recited the form
which was used in the ordination of deacons - a mistake which was noticed
only by the bride and bridegroom. When the service was over the young
couple agreed to live a life of virginity, and Martha within a short time
retired into a convent. Amator, having laboured for some years as a
priest, was elected bishop of Auxerre. 

Brieuc or Briocus, abbot (sixth century) 

Sigismund of Burgundy (524): Sigismund was a barbarian subject at times to
uncontrollable fits of rage. On one occasion he ordered his son Sigeric to
be strangled. No sooner had the deed been perpetrated than Sigismund came
to his senses and was overpowered with horror and remorse. Perhaps the
greatest service Sigismund rendered to the Church was the virtual
refounding of the monastery of St Maurice at Agaunum in Valois. 

Marculf or Marcoul, abbot (558): It was through Marcoul that the Frankish
kings were believed to derive "the healing touch". Marcoul was regarded as
a patron who cured skin diseases and as late as 1680 sufferers made
pilgrimages to his shrine at Nanteuil and bathed in the springs connected
with the church. 

Peregrine Laziosi, Servite (1345): Born in 1260 in Forli, the only son of
well-to-do parents took an active part in the politics of his native city,
which belonged to the anti-papal party. On the occasion of a popular
rising, the Servite, Philip Benizi, who had been sent by the pope to act
as a mediator, was severely mishandled by the popular leaders, and
Peregrine himself struck him on the face with his fist. The Servite's only
reply was to offer the other cheek - an action which brought his
Peregrine to immediate repentance. From that time Peregrine was a reformed
character who eventually received the Servite habit. 

Carolyn Muessig 
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