

On the Name of the Rose. . .  While I agree that the movie does perpetuate 
stereotypes, I think that stern warnings need to be taken with a grain of 
salt.  Students like films, and they are often eager to talk about them. 
I, for one, took an interest in Spiritual Franciscans as a young high school 
student when I first saw the movie.  The inaccuracies soon became clear, but 
it was certainly worth the risk for my teacher to recommend that we go see it. 
I have since used it in a class to talk about perceptions of the Middle Ages.  
After a semester's work on the medieval Church, I get the students to watch 
critically for things that they weren't sure were quite right.  It led to a 
very good discussion on history and story, etc.   
So I think it can still be used -- and to great effect -- if it's used wisely. 
Kevin L. Hughes, PhD 
Core Humanities 
Villanova University 
Villanova, PA 19085 
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