

Today, 10 April, is the feast of ...

Bademus, Abbot (376): One of the victims of the persecution under King
Sapor II of Persia.

The Martyrs under the Danes (870): In one of their descents upon
Anglo-Saxon England, the Danes made their way up the Thames as far as the
abbey of Chertsey, where they massacred Beocca the abbot, a priest called
Hethor, and a number of monks.

Macarius, or Macaire, of Ghent (1012): Popular throughout Flanders where
he was regarded as patron against epidemic diseases of all kinds.

Fulbert, Bishop of Chartres (1029):Was wont to describe himself as "the
very little bishop of a very great church."

Paternus of Abdinghof, Monk (1058): The death of Paternus left a deep
impression on Peter Damian and Marianus Scotus. On the Friday before Palm
Sunday, fires broke out simultaneously in seven parts of town. The
monastery of Abdinghof was completely destroyed. But the monks were saved,
except Paternus, who refused to break his life-vow of enclosure and as a
result perished in the fire.

Antony Neyrot, Martyr (1460): Had a most unusual religious career. He was
first a Dominican. Then, while sailing to Sicily, he was captured by
pirates and carried to Tunis. There he secured his freedom and began to
study the Koran and converted to Islam. He also married. He had second
thoughts and converted back to Christianity, sending away his wife. He
went before the ruler of Tunis in his friar's habit and proclaimed Islam a
heresy. Arguments were employed without being able to convert him back to
Islam. Eventually he was condemned to death.

Mark Fantucci, Franciscan (1479) - Great supporter of the preservation of
the Observance as a separate body when it seemed on the point of being
compulsorily merged with the Conventual branch.

Carolyn Muessig
Department of Theology and Religious Studies
University of Bristol
Bristol BS8 1TB
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