

Today, 27 March, is the feast of ...

* John of Egypt (394)
- perhaps the most famous desert hermit (except St Antony), 
he was known for his great humility: at the command of his 
spiritual father, for an entire year he daily watered a dry 
stick as though it had been a live plant

* John Damascene (c. 749)
- like his father before him, he served as Vizier to the 
Caliph in Damascus; however, he left his riches to the poor 
and made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, eventually settling in 
the laura of St Sabas; known for his theological treatises 
(and his eloquence, earning him the nickname 
'Chrysorrhoes', or 'Golden Stream'), he was declared Doctor 
by pope Leo XIII

* William Tempier, bishop of Poitiers (1197)
- a great opponent of simony; his tomb behind the high 
altar of the church of St Cyprian in Poitiers became a 
place of pilgrimage and miraculous healings

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Carolyn Muessig
Department of Theology and Religious Studies
University of Bristol
Bristol BS8 1TB
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