

Biz/ed have been researching the company family trees of some well-known
public companies. The results should make interesting reading for
students, who often don't realise that the companies or brands they know
are part of a much larger company.

They are also a very clear visual way to show the structure of companies
and their ownership. Do have a look - you may well be surprised!

You'll find them in the FORUM section of Biz/ed. Go to:

and click on the link to the forum section. You'll also find there our
publisher's corner feature with sample material and case studies from a
variety of publishers.

We have also put in Forum a Budget special page. We have searched around
for the sites with the best Budget coverage and linked to them all.
There are some excellent sites - Be Your Own Chancellor has been updated
for 1998, the FT have a 'You Be Chancellor' game and the BBC will have
extensive details of the Budget as it happens. Go to the FORUM section
of Biz/ed to find the best Budget details.

                        ANDY BEHARRELL  (Biz/ed Curriculum Developer)
Andy Beharrell
