

Dear all,

Not particularly critical, but quite interesting anyway. Sorry if you've
already had this.

alan hudson

========================T h e   a r t i c l e==========================

THE NEW YORK TIMES      ARTS & IDEAS (p.A15)    Saturday, 21 March 1998

          An Old Rationale for Disparities Returns to Favor


              Pick up a geography textbook from the first half of
              this century and you can discover a simple,
          rule-of-thumb explanation for the varying fates of the
          human race: the weather.

          "As a rule, people do their best thinking and planning,
          their minds are most alert and inventive, and they have
          the best judgment when the thermometer out of doors
          falls toward freezing at night and rises toward 50
          degrees or 55 degrees by day," declares Ellsworth
          Huntington in "Principles of Human Geography." "In an
          invigorating climate" -- like that of Europe and the
          northern United States -- "it may also be easier to be
          honest and sober and self-controlled than in a more
          enervating one."

          Such pronouncements ultimately made geographers seem
          like phrenologists who pondered the size of bumps on a
          person's skull. Most serious scholars shunted geography
          aside and forgot it.

          Yet after decades of neglect, geography is being
          rediscovered. The study of how location affects the way
          people live is not only drawing in new students, but it
          is also attracting the attention of scholars in other

          Historians, economists and political scientists are
          using it to explain everything from why some nations are
          rich and others poor, to why Brazil and Nigeria are
          rising as regional powers, to why Africa produces so
          many superior distance runners. It's as if New York City
          real-estate agents were suddenly given the job of
          explaining some of the globe's most elusive questions
          and chorused "Location, location, location."

          The geographic renaissance, propelled in part by new
          advances in science and computers, is significant,
          scholars say, because it is generating a new
          intellectual dialogue. "It is a wonderful bridge among
          disciplines," David Landes, professor emeritus of
          history and economics at Harvard University, said in an
          interview. "It compels people to put together ideas they
          might not otherwise."

          Most unexpected, however, is that the very field that
          had a racialist taint is now being used to knock down
          theories that define achievement in racial terms.
          Geography, once employed to justify colonialism and the
          innate superiority of whites, is brought in to undermine
          works like "The Bell Curve," which argues that racial
          differences in intelligence are inherited and linked to
          differences in performance and economic success.

          The gradual eclipse of geography began 50 years ago when
          Harvard University eliminated its geography department.
          The decision had less to do with discomfort over
          screwball theories (which weren't necessarily seen at
          the time as screwball) than with academic infighting and
          weak teaching. "Geography is not a university subject,"
          declared James Conant, who was then the president of

          In the next decades, other universities followed
          Harvard's lead: Stanford, Yale, the University of
          Michigan, Columbia, the University of Chicago. According
          to a report in the Chronicle of Higher Education on the
          1987 meeting of the Association of American Geographers,
          department chairmen organized a seminar "to find out
          what they could do to avoid finding their departments on
          a university hit list."

          Saul Cohen, a political geographer and former president
          of the geographers' association, says: "Very few people
          were exposed to geography who went to college after the
          1960s. What they knew about geography goes back a

          French historians like Fernand Braudel and other members
          of the Annales school did look at geography, climate and
          land use. But in the United States, said Landes,
          geography was "a kind of outcast among intellectual
          disciplines." He continued: "More than any other field I
          can think of, geography was wiped out kind of quietly. I
          can't think of another discipline that suffered this
          sort of erasure."

          Geography was fine if you worked at Rand McNally or
          played Jeopardy. (Moroni. What is the capital of
          Comoros?) But when American scholars tackled persistent
          questions like why industrialization first took root in
          Europe instead of China or India, geography was played
          down. "If you look at most works on global development,"
          Landes says, "there is very little on geography."

          That has been changing. Jared Diamond, a physiologist at
          the University of California at Los Angeles, combines
          epidemiology, sociology, zoology, anthropology and
          botany to conclude that geography is the key to the pace
          and timing of economic development.

          In his book "Guns, Germs and Steel" (W.W. Norton, 1997,)
          he goes back 13,000 years to explain how food production
          is the starting point for success. Because farming
          communities produce more food and domesticate animals,
          they can feed nonfood producers like professional
          soldiers, bureaucrats, writers and craftsmen.

          Diamond argues that the east-west axis of the Eurasian
          land mass created similar growing conditions along a
          shared latitude and enabled one of the first
          domesticated crops, einkorn wheat, to spread relatively
          quickly from the Fertile Crescent to Europe; more than
          twice as fast, for example, as corn and beans spread
          from Mexico northward to what would become the eastern
          United States.

          The fact that there were few ecological barriers like
          mountains also made it much easier for livestock and,
          eventually, writing, the wheel and other inventions to
          spread than in the Americas or Africa, which both have a
          north-south axis.

          For example, cattle, sheep and goats, first domesticated
          in the Fertile Crescent, stopped short for 2,000 years
          at the northern edge of the Serengeti Plains, with their
          deadly, disease-carrying tsetse flies. Meanwhile, of the
          14 large mammals that have been domesticated throughout
          history, Eurasia had 13 of them, including sheep, goats,
          cows and horses, which provided meat, fertilizer, wool,
          leather, transport, plowing power and military assault

          Domesticated animals also served as the petri dish for
          nasty epidemics like smallpox and measles to which
          Europeans over time developed immunity. So when the
          diseases arrived in the New World, up to 99 percent of
          the unexposed native populations were killed -- instead
          of the reverse. It wasn't virtuosity but viruses that
          helped paved the way for conquest.

          Building on Max Weber's "The Protestant Ethic and the
          Spirit of Capitalism," Landes believes that Western
          culture based on Judeo-Christian and Enlightenment
          values is the single most important reason for the
          West's economic success.

          Still, maintaining that geography is "terribly
          important," he titled the first chapter of his new book,
          "The Wealth and Poverty of Nations" (W.W. Norton, 1998),
          "Nature's Inequalities," and he describes how a nation's
          geography -- its rainfall, its suitability for food
          production, its indigenous animals and the deadliness of
          its pathogens -- helps set the stage for economic

          Europe was lucky. Landes, too, argues that the temperate
          climate and relatively even rainfall, a gift from the
          Gulf Stream, allowed Europeans to grow crops all year
          round. In addition to the other advantages, larger and
          stronger animals like the European battle steed instead
          of the Mongolian pony provided richer fertilizer
          compared with the human night soil used in East Asia.

          James Blaut, who wrote "The Colonizer's Model of the
          World: Geographic Diffusionism and Eurocentric History"
          (Guilford Press, 1993), also takes a geographical tack,
          but comes to a completely different conclusion.

          He declares that Europeans got rich because they were
          closest to the Americas and able to plunder it first. In
          the 16th century, says Blaut, who teaches at the
          University of Illinois at Chicago, other maritime
          societies like those of "the Chinese, the Indians, and
          the East Africans were at the same level of development,
          but the Europeans were much, much closer to the New

          Through a combination of looting and mining, the amount
          of gold and silver in circulation probably doubled
          between the years 1500 and 1600, says Blaut, and Europe
          got it all free. That tremendous windfall meant that the
          emerging middle class could buy off the ruling
          land-owning powers, enabling capitalism to take root and
          allowing the Europeans to outcompete Asia and East
          Africa. A shorter commute made all the difference.

          Geography's sudden comeback is the result, in part, of
          technological advances. Sophisticated mapping computers
          -- known as geographical information systems -- have
          generated new research areas for freshly minted
          geographers and raised the discipline's profile. A
          report last year by the National Research Council
          estimated that the number of undergraduate geography
          majors increased by 47 percent between 1986 and 1994.

          At the same time, advances in molecular biology,
          radiocarbon dating and archaeology provide new
          information about where cultivated crops, domesticated
          animals and diseases originated and where they spread.
          And economists are exploring statistical correlations
          between such things as poverty and distance from the

          Geography also complements the turn to interdisciplinary
          studies that is catching on at universities across the
          country. As Blaut says, "Geography is the integrating
          field par excellence."

          Another trend has also coincided with geography's
          comeback: using genetics to explain behavior. Geography
          provides a new wrinkle to the nature-vs.-nurture, or
          biology-vs.-culture, debate. Some scholars are using
          geography to help provide a counterweight to what they
          see as a crude biological determinism implying, for
          example, that Europeans won out because of some inbred

          In his introduction, for example, Diamond offers this
          one-sentence summary of his 480-page book: "History
          followed different courses for different people because
          of differences among peoples' environments, not because
          of biological differences among people themselves." At
          its publication, "Guns, Germs and Steel" was praised for
          demolishing "racist theories" of history.

          Historical questions aren't the only ones that have
          enlisted geography to balance genetic explanations. The
          Swedish physiologist Bengt Saltin, for example, has
          studied Kenyan distance runners to find why so many
          excel at the sport.

          He found they have a muscle composition similar to that
          of Nordic athletes who train in similar conditions, at
          high altitudes and in hilly regions, according to a
          recent article in the New Yorker. Geography may be the
          critical variable, not genes.

          With all the new attention to geography, some scholars
          warn against crediting it with too much. "I think there
          are societies in which geography is very formative and
          times when it's not," says the economic historian Robert
          Heilbroner. "I wouldn't make it a very high priority."

          True, geography is not destiny any more than genetics or
          culture is. But after years of neglect, it offers a
          useful reminder: Location matters.

                Copyright 1998 The New York Times Company