

> Dear CGF 
> Forum members might like to see the bulleted points regarding 
> probation contained in Birmingham's Staffing Committee Report of 
> 1997. This was contained in a Report to the Strategy, 
> Planning and Resources Committee of March 10 1998, which was tabled 
> (but not discussed) as a agenda item at Senate last Wednesday.
> It states 
> - a flexible probationary period of between 2 and 5 years 
> - TARGETS to be set in advance, to be achieved as a CONDITION of 
> confirmation of employment
> - quality assurance to be carried out by the Dean
> - probationary reports to be considered after the end of the 
> probationary period instead of six months beforehand as hitherto
> - revised mechanisms for reviewing decisions to terminate a 
> probationary appointment
> Members may also want to know that the University's Academic 
> Reorganisation Task Force tried to remove the four reserved places 
> for research staff on Senate (thus in contravention of the spirit of 
> the CVCP Concordat). The claim here was that research staff do make a 
> constituency within the University. I am happy to report that this 
> was defeated at Senate, but nevertheless these are disturbing signs, 
> especially from a University labelling itself a research university.
> I hope this debate re casualisation, employment conditions 
> in universities continues on the CGF.
> best wishes
>Shaun Fielding 

Shaun Fielding                        email:   [log in to unmask]
School of Education                   phone:   (+44) 121 414 4378
The University of Birmingham
Birmingham     B15 2TT
