

Today, 10 February, is the feast of ...

* Soteris, virgin and martyr (304)
- praised by Ambrose in his *De virginibus*; a beautiful 
woman who had vowed to be chaste, she rejoiced when she was 
ordered to be struck in the face, and then suffered great 
tortures without a single groan before she was decapitated

* Scholastica, virgin (543)
- sister of St Benedict, famous for the time when Benedict 
wished to leave her company against her will, so she prayed 
that God would keep him there for a while: at that moment, 
a great storm broke out, and Benedict could not leave until 
the next day; three days later, Scholastica died

* Trumwin, bishop (c. 690)
- bishop of the Picts, he set up his see at the monastery 
of Abercorn (on the Firth of Forth), before having to flee 
and settle in the abbey of Whitby

* Austreberta, virgin (704)
- as a girl, she got a foretaste of her future life, when 
she looked at her reflection in a river and saw a veil over 
her head

* William of Maleval (1157)
- his followers established the order of Hermits of St 
William (or Gulielmites), based from William's settlement 
near Siena called 'Stabulum Rodis'

* Hugh of Fosses (1164)
- succeeded St Norbert as second abbot of the mother house 
of the Premonstratensian Order

* Chiara Agolanti da Rimini (1346)
- she lived in a hollow in the city wall; known for her 
excessive penances, she was accused of heresy

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Carolyn Muessig
Department of Theology and Religious Studies
University of Bristol
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