

Dear Mel
I have recently become the new Membership Secretary of the CUTG - so 
I'll send you a form to join. 
If any other Wiggies are interested then please contact me. Also, 
if you are interested in offering papers at future conferences then 
watch out for the next CUTG Bulletin (Jan)  (next conference: Keele, 
September 1999), or contact Allyson Fiddler (as you can see Wiggies 
are  rapidly infiltrating the CUTG!!!)
Helen  (Jones)
University of Central Lancashire

Date:          Mon, 21 Sep 98 21:25:21 +0100
Subject:       re CUTG
From:          kay53 <[log in to unmask]>
To:            wigs-forum <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-to:      [log in to unmask]

Hallo all

Please can someone help me. I have been trying to join CUTG for a while 
now - without success. My emails must be going to the wrong address. 
Please could someone tell me who to contact.

Many thanks

Mel Karpinski
Sheffield University
[log in to unmask]
