

First IATBR Eric Pas Dissertation Prize 
in Travel Behavior Research

The International Association for Travel Behavior Research has instituted a 
new dissertation prize, named in memory of the late Eric Pas,  to recognize 
the best doctoral dissertation accepted in a given year in the area of travel 
behavior research.  

Eric Pas (1948-1997) had made travel haviour research his main field of 
research interest since his doctoral work at Northwestern University. He 
remained very active in the field through his on-going research at Duke 
University, but also through his involvement with the Association, of which 
he was a board member for many years.  

The competition is being held for the first time for the year 1998. 
Supervisors are invited to submit theses accepted between 1. 1. and 31. 12. 
1998 for consideration of the panel chaired by Prof. Hani Mahmassani 
(University of Texas).  They should provide the Secretary of the 
Association at the address below with the following by 15. February 1999:  

-	 six copies of the dissertation, 

-	six copies of an extended abstract (3 to 5 pages), not bound with  the 
rest of the thesis (in English), and  

-	a nomination letter supporting the submission and stating their own 
assessment of why the thesis is worthy of the award (in English)  

The prize will be awarded at the next European Transport Conference 
(September 1999 in the UK). The winner will 	also be invited to present 
the prize-winning work at the next IATBR Conference in  Australia in the 
year 2000 with the Association covering the conference fees.  

In case of further questions, please contact Prof. Mahmassani 
([log in to unmask]) or the secretary (k.w.axhausen@  

Please send the submissions to  

  Prof KW Axhausen
  Secretary of IATBR
  ETH Hoenggerberg
  CH - 8093 Zurich

John Polak, Head of Transport, 
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Imperial College
