

HEPROC Various & Sundry is an informal bulletin of interest to higher
education. If you'd like to get V&S every week, you are free to join
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Conference: [remedial learning strategies]

  Midwest College Learning Center Association (MCLCA) thirteenth
  annual conference, "Foundations of Learning" will be held October
  1 - 3, 1998, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Topics within learning
  assistance programs and developmental education include:
  assessment and evaluation; collaborative learning; content
  teaching and reading; curriculum design; reading, writing and
  mathematics; english as a second language; learning theory and
  research; linkage courses; motivating students; professional
  development; supplemental Instruction; teaching/learning
  techniques; and working with special student populations such as
  learning disabled students, student athletes, adult/returning
  students. Contact Shevawn Eaton <[log in to unmask]>.

Conference: [first year experience in Pacific Rim schools]

  The Pacific Rim Conference on First Year in Higher Education will
  be held July 5 - 8, possibly at Queensland University of
  Technology. Titled "Strategies for Success in Transition Years",
  the conference will address: what it means for students finally
  reaching university, when they've had so much pressure to perform
  well in their final high school years; the effectiveness of 
  institutions in meeting the needs of students from diverse
  backgrounds; and pressure on higher education institutions to
  teach more students while resources are constrained. Contact
  Maria Lamari <[log in to unmask]>.

Conference: [multiple evolving facets of higher education]

  The Higher Education Research and Development Society of
  Australasia (HERDSA) conference will be held July 7 - 10 in
  Auckland, New Zealand. Titled "Transformation in Higher
  Education", the purpose of the conference is to promote research
  and development in tertiary education and to explore a diversity
  of perspectives on contemporary issues that affect the missions
  of teaching/learning and research in higher education. Topics
  include: global and international educational policy and practice;
  teaching, learning and assessment of student achievement;
  learning support; organisational policy and systems; leadership
  and management in tertiary education; the subject discipline in
  society; staff development and staff appraisal; research
  directions and development; education for indigenous peoples;
  equity policies; and curriculum development and evaluation.
  See URL <>.

Research by Undergraduates: [science]

  The "National Journal of Young Investigators" will "showcase the
  quality of undergraduate research; unify the undergraduate's
  research experience by allowing them to participate in all
  aspects of the scientific process, from the generation of an idea
  to the publication of its results; create an open forum for young
  scientists to communicate their ideas and thoughts; and provide
  young scientists with encouragement and recognition for their
  scientific endeavors." See URL <>. JYI will be 
  faculty and student reviewed, and peer edited and published.
  JYI writes: "How much recognition have you seen undergraduates
  receive for their scientific endeavors? How often have you been
  able to discuss your thoughts about today's "hot" topic in
  science and its impact on society with other undergraduates
  outside your own college or university? How many times have you
  been able to establish connections with other undergraduate
  scientists from around the country who will one day be your
  research collaborators, peers and colleagues?"

A National Identity Card for U.S. Citizens

  Without public notice or debate, a framework for a national ID
  card for all U.S. citizens has been created as part of a 1996
  law. The card will be machine-readable, and certain uses will
  be required. For example, employers will be required to swipe
  the card to gain federal approval for the prospective
  employment of would-be hires. The federal government provides
  grants to states to participate in pilot projects involving
  such ID cards. Also, federal agencies will reject the use of
  ID cards which do not include such content as digitized
  fingerprints. The author of the law is Dianne Feinstein
  (D-CA), whose aim is to "implement a national ID system
  whereby every American would be required to carry a card with
  a 'magnetic strip on it on which the bearer's unique voice,
  retina pattern, or fingerprint is digitally encoded.'" See
  <>, and
  look for "story number 8" on that page.

Social Science Methods [methodological briefs]

  Social Research Update will be published every three months or
  so, covering in each issue one topic in sufficient depth to
  indicate the main directions of recent developments and provide a
  bibliography for further reading. Social Research Update is
  produced by the Department of Sociology at the University of
  Surrey. See <> for sample
  topics such as: analysing qualitative data by computer; using
  diaries in social research; computer assisted personal
  interviewing; exploring the Internet; ethnographic writing;
  computer simulation of social processes; correspondence analysis;
  telephone interviewing; official social classifications in the
  UK; archiving qualitative research data; visual research methods;
  and elicitation techniques with young people. See URL
  <> for a general

NSF Publications Custom News Service

  See URL <>. If you
  subscribe, this service creates a web page based on your email
  address, which you can customize according to the publications
  from NSF you wish to be informed about.

Science and Technology Metrics [evaluating research and budgets]

  See URL <>.
    "Basic research provides the underpinnings for many of the
    technological advances of recent history, although there are
    examples where technology-driven needs (technology traction)
    motivate basic research as well. ... Unfortunately, the intuitive
    linkages between the cost of basic research and its eventual
    payoffs have been difficult to translate into convincing
    analytical arguments using present economic approaches. ... When
    a research unit is being evaluated, typically to ascertain
    whether its budget should be modified and/ or new research should
    be supported, there are three fundamental questions which are
    asked implicitly or directly: 1) What has been the breadth of
    long-term impacts of research performed in the past; 2) What have
    been the accomplishments and impacts of research performed
    recently, and what are the estimated future societal impacts of
    this research; 3) What is the projected knowledge to be gained
    from proposed research, what types of benefits could be obtained
    if successful, and what is the confidence level that these
    different types of near and long-term payoffs will be realized?
    ... The long-term benefit measures amenable to quantification,
    such as some societal outcomes or economic payoffs, cannot be
    generated in the short term. Because the research oversight
    organizations want valid performance metrics applicable to
    existing research (see question 2 in the previous paragraph), the
    question arises whether credible short term proxies for long-term
    research impacts and outcomes can be defined. Considerable
    research and correlation studies are necessary to produce
    credible answers to this question."
  See also URL <>.

Conference: [information centers and technology]

  INFOnet 98 will be held May 24 - 26, 1998, at the Dan Panorama
  Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel. Themes include internet trends,
  information retrieval systems, electronic publishing, intranet
  technology, "market intelligence", and the evolving role of the
  information professional. Contact <[log in to unmask]>.

Conference: [employment insecurity]

  Topic: plant closures and downsizing in Europe: How do European
  workers and the trade union movement react to job insecurity and
  the threat of unemployment? The International conference organised
  by the Higher Institute of Labour Studies (HIVA), Catholic
  University Leuven (Belgium), in collaboration with the European
  Centre for Workers' Questions (EZA) will hold a conference on
  Janrualy 28 - 29, 1999 near Brussels. Contact Jeannine Hooge
  <[log in to unmask]>.

Title IX: Moving beyond sports [gender equality throughout academia]

  See "You're in trouble again, Johnny", URL <>
  (select "The Women's Quarterly"). This article is about applying
  Title IX to all academic areas in all levels of education, K-??.

Conference: [distance education]

  The Institute for Leadership in Distance Education will hold a
  meeting from June 28 to July 2, 1998, at the Penn State Conference
  Center Hotel, State College, Pennsylvania. Keynote: "The Global-
  ization of Distance Education: Its Impact on Our Institutions",
  Michael G. Moore, academic director of The American Center for the
  Study of Distance Education (ACSDE) at Penn State. <[log in to unmask]>,
  <[log in to unmask]>.

    Distributed via HEPROC Main Hall <[log in to unmask]>. For
    information contact Carl Reimann <[log in to unmask]>. Website:
