

-----Original Message-----
From:	John Kirriemuir [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
Sent:	domingo, 6 de setembro de 1998 16:09
To:	[log in to unmask]
Subject:	4th OMNI Annual Seminar: November 18th, London

		   4th OMNI Annual Seminar
		Wednesday, 18th November, 1998
		     Part of MEDNET '98
		 St. Thomas' Hospital, London

The OMNI service is pleased to announce its 4th Annual Seminar. 

The seminar forms one of the streams on day three of the MEDNET '98 World
Congress on the Internet in Medicine, hosted by St.Thomas' Hospital,
London. This is on the south bank of the river Thames, directly opposite
the Houses of Parliament. MEDNET consists of four days (the 16th to the
19th) of speakers, workshops, presentations and other events; it is worth
checking out the whole programme, as it goes up, to see what other 
happenings are of interest. 

OMNI Seminar: Provision Programme

Confirmed speakers are listed below. Abstracts are available on the
OMNI seminar Web section; more speaker(s) to be announced in due course

Neil Bacon ( 	Online medical communities in the UK 

Lorcan Dempsey (UKOLN)		The information landscape 

Lisa Gray (OMNI)		Biomedical search tools: how OMNI measures 
John Kirriemuir (OMNI)		OMNI: medical and health informatics into
				the next millenium
Bruce Madge (British Library) 	A gateway to complementary and alternative
				medicine on the web 
Frank Norman (NIMR)	 	Maps, landscapes and buildings:
				the human dimension in information 
Christine Parker-Jones (VHP)	Visible Human UK mirror: establishing a
Stephen Pinfield (BUILDER)	The hybrid library and medical information 

Details of how to book, as well as other practicalities, can be found on
the seminar '98 Web page at:

(or follow the link from the OMNI home page)

OMNI: Organising Medical Networked Information
Tel: 0115 924 9924 ext: 43980
Fax: 0115 970 9449