

** apologies for cross-postings **

Further information is available on the Second Nature website < >.

                               SECOND NATURE
                    Regional Workshops & On-site Clinics

        Southeast Regional Workshop on Education for Sustainability
                             November 6-8, 1998
                     Heifer Ranch  Perryville, Arkansas

 Second Nature invites you to attend our 1998 Southeast Regional Workshop
 on Education for Sustainability.  The focus of this workshop is on
 connecting curriculum development to campus sustainability initiatives.
 Curriculum can be an effective leverage point for transforming colleges
 and universities into an environment where students learn skills,
 knowledge and values to live and work in an environmentally sustainable
 and just manner.

 During this workshop, you will have the opportunity to:

 *  deepen your understanding of sustainability and the role of higher
    education in helping society become more sustainable
 *  learn about tools, techniques and resources to help you develop and
    implement sustainability activities on your campus
 *  gain perspective on how your efforts connect with work that is
    currently being done at your institution, in the region and in the
    larger Education for Sustainability movement
 *  make connections with colleagues from other institutions
 *  develop a plan of action for when you return to your institution

 Workshop Format and Approach

 This workshop will help you enhance your skills and knowledge in many
 different areas of sustainability education.  In addition to the content
 that is covered, the design of the workshop and specific exercises model
 the processes that can facilitate promoting sustainability through higher
 education.  Because we believe that there are no