

Call for abstracts, IUGG 1999 (Birmingham, England)

We would like to bring to your attention to the IUGG symposium outlined 
below. The symposium is jointly sponsored by IASPEI and IAG. We would 
encourage anyone interested in this area of research to talk about 
their work at the symposium. The deadline for submission of abstracts 
is 15 January 1999. Further information about IUGG 1999 can be found 
on the World Wide Web at http:/

 JSS31 Geodetic Constraints on Tectonic Models

A range of geodetic observations (e.g. GPS positioning, SAR interferometry, 
satellite altimetry, high-resolution satellite gravity fields) can provide 
strong constraints on the tectonics of both continents and oceans. In 
parallel with the recent advances in geodetic techniques, there have been 
developments in methods used to make the observations more accessible to 
further analysis (e.g. the construction of smooth horizontal velocity 
fields for the continents, and the construction of marine gravity fields) 
as well as developments of theoretical models used to interpret the 
observations (e.g. dynamical models of continental deformation and 
mantle convection). The aim of this symposium is to stimulate interaction 
between workers on the observational and theoretical sides of this area of 

Convenors: 	Barry Parsons
		Department of Earth Sciences
		University of Oxford
		Parks Road
		Oxford OX1 3PR, UK

		Fax: 44-1865-272072
		Phone: 44-1865-272017
		Email: 	[log in to unmask]
		Robert Reilinger
		Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
		Massachusetts Institute of Technology
		Cambridge, MA 02139 USA
		Fax: 1-617-253-6385
		Phone: 1-617-253-7860
		Email: [log in to unmask]
