

Dear All

At GSA last week several of you from North America moaned about the very
high price ($60)that is charged for my "Introduction to Metamorphic
Petrology". I checked with my publisher and they tell me that their North
American office has set a recommended retail price of $40. Many of you I
know will feel that this in itself is grossly excessive for my outdated
words of not-always-wisdom, but it is clear that some bookstores are adding
a very large mark up. I had no idea that the market was quite such a jungle
out there, but it seems clear that it may be worth shopping around for good
prices on text books.

Bruce Yardley
Professor Bruce Yardley
School of Earth Sciences
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT

Tel. 0113 233 5200        Fax  0113 233 5259
