

At present study support for students with dyslexia is funded through
accessing the DSA.  The Institute's role is to provide administrative
support and room space.  The study support tutor is free-lance and charges
_30.00 per hour for individual sessions.  A student will usually have 1
session per week for each academic term.  As I access the DSA on the
students behalf, I have come accross a variety of ways in which the DSA is

Plymouth City Council has refused payment on the grounds that the cost of
additional tuition should be met by the institution as part of their
pastoral care role and that "Regulations specify the level of tuition cost
that can be met by a Local Authority ad this has already been paid in
respect of the tution fees."

Has anyone else come across this problem? Or, have you experience of a
successful appeal?

Any help would be appreciated.

