

We are just about to pilot a scheme where a student with  a special needs
can be issued with an Assist card.  This card will enable them to gain
support with ease and without having to explain their difficulties each time
they enter the library, student union or computer services.  It does involve
quite alot of staff training but we have had a positive feed back from it.
I must point out this is mainly for support need and not evacuation procedures.

If you would like to talk about this more feel free to call.


01483 259261

At 10:04 21/08/98 GMT, you wrote:
>Hi  all
>We are planning for enrolment again and are once again reviewing 
>means of identifying students with disabilities who are on campus, 
>mainly for emergency evacuation procedures  but also so that they can 
>get support in the library.
>Our current ID system for both staff and students is a colour coded 
>ID card which also has an individualized bar code so that it can 
>be used in the library.  We cannot in the short term advance to a 
>smart card system but are considering modifying the current ID card  
>so that students can be identified for these purposes without the 
>whole world knowing.
>I would welcome any other ideas or practices which are working well.
>Gillian  Malins
>Student Adviser (disabilities)
>University of Luton
>Park Square
>LU1 3JU
>T:  01582 489342
