

Compiling the following Fortran90 program 
with HP Fortran90 V1 and Mips Pro Fortran90 7.20
gives an error :

% cat generic.f90

module trygen
  implicit none
  real, public :: r
  public :: subr
  private :: subr1, subr2
  interface subr
     module procedure subr1, subr2
  end interface


subroutine subr1(proc)
   function proc(intarg)
   integer :: proc
   integer, intent(in) :: intarg
   end function proc
end interface
r =  proc(12)
end subroutine subr1

subroutine subr2(proc)
   function proc(realarg)
   real :: proc
   real, intent(in) :: realarg
   end function proc
end interface
r =  proc(14.0)
end subroutine subr2

end module trygen

program try_gen

  use trygen
    integer function fi(i)
      integer :: i
    end function fi
    real function fr(r)
      real :: r
    end function fr
  end interface
  call subr(fi)
  print *, r
  call subr(fr)
  print *, r
end program try_gen
integer function fi(i)
  fi = 2 * i
end function fi
real function fr(r)
  fr = 3.141596 * r
end function fr

Using Mips Pro Fortran90 7.20

%f90 generic.f90

module trygen
cf90-855 mfef90: ERROR TRYGEN, File = generic.f90, Line = 1, Column = 8 
  The compiler has detected errors in module "TRYGEN".  No module
information file will be created for this module.

     module procedure subr1, subr2
cf90-487 mfef90: ERROR TRYGEN, File = generic.f90, Line = 7, Column = 30 
  The specific interfaces for "SUBR2" and "SUBR1" make the GENERIC
interface "SUBR" ambiguous.

  use trygen
cf90-894 mfef90: ERROR TRY_GEN, File = generic.f90, Line = 36, Column =
  Module "TRYGEN" has compile errors, therefore declarations obtained
from the module via the USE statement may be incomplete.

f90: MIPSpro Fortran 90 Version 7.2  (f19) Tue Sep 22, 1998  15:52:20
f90: 55 source lines
f90: 3 Error(s), 0 Warning(s), 0 Other message(s), 0 ANSI(s)

Using HP Fortran90 v!.0

biceps 184: f90 generic.f90
   module TRYGEN
     module subroutine SUBR1
     module subroutine SUBR2
   program TRY_GEN
  call subr(fi)
Error 260 at (45:generic.f90) : This subroutine has the wrong number of
arguments or arguments with the wrong name, type or rank
  call subr(fr)
Error 260 at (47:generic.f90) : This subroutine has the wrong number of
arguments or arguments with the wrong name, type or rank
   external function FI
   external function FR

2 Errors
f90: Errors detected, no link.

Is this Fortran90 program non standard conforming ?

Thank you

Christian de Polignac
Institut Laue Langevin
156 X
38042 Grenoble Cedex France
e-mail : [log in to unmask]
