

> Maybe we should take this offline to save bandwidth on the
> mailing list?

At least one person asked for an encore :-).

> >  It's nice if the compiler can catch some obviosu dependencies.
> I don't know what you meant by your last sentence.

The compiler will alert me if any modification of global variables
have slipped in from serial test versions, etc.  Squeezing the
algorithm into the harness of pure procedures goes a long way toward
parallelizability (theoretically, at least :-).

> Since you made the field PRIVATE, it must be allocated in a routine
> in the module that defines the type.  As long as you have declared
> the mapping of the array of these objects, they will be allocated
> correctly (i.e., on the correct processors) by the ALLOCATE
> statement.

We're getting somewhere: my concern was whether it suffices to declare
the mapping of the objects (which contain pointers) as a whole or
whether I have to specify mappings _inside_ the module defining the
type as well.

In other words: if t is already mapped to processor p, will


allocate t%x on p as well or do I have to add more HPF directives to
insure that?

If it doesn't waste too much bandwidth, here's a more complete
example.  May question is essentially, whether the footnote

  Caveat emptor: the scalability of this version has not been tested
  yet, because we don't have access to a reliable HPF compiler.  In
  particular, one might have to insert further HPF directives that
  distribute the array [[gs]] properly. Furthermore [[vamp_fork_grid]]
  is not local and one might want to tune it to the processor
  topology. The gain will be very small, however.

is correct.

NB: `call vamp_create_grid (gs)' just executes nullify for the
    components of gs(:), but `call vamp_fork_grid (g, gs, gx, d)' does
    a lot of allocating.

@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
In this section we show three implementations of~$S_n$: serial,
HPF~\cite{Koelbel/etal:1994:HPF} and MPI~\cite{MPI}.  From these
examples it should be obvious how to adapt VAMP to other parallel
computing paradigms.
@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Here is a bare bones version of~$S_n$, the real implementation in
[[vamp_sample_grid]] includes some error handling, diagnostics and the
projection~$P$ (cf.~(\ref{eq:P})):
<<Serial implementation of $S_n=S_0(rS_0)^n$>>=
type(tao_random_state), intent(inout) :: rng
type(vamp_grid), intent(inout) :: g
integer, intent(in) :: iterations
<<Interface declaration for [[func]]>>
integer :: iteration
iterate: do iteration = 1, iterations
   call vamp_sample_grid0 (rng, g, func)
   call vamp_refine_grid (g)
end do iterate
@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Here is the HPF version of~$S_n$.  Instead of one random number
generator state~[[rng]] it takes an array consisting of one state per
processor.  These [[rng(:)]] are assumed to be initialized that the
resulting sequences are statistically independent.  For this purpose,
Knuth's random number generator~\cite{Knuth:1997:TAOCP2} is most
convenient and is included with VAMP.  Before each~$S_0$, the procedure
[[vamp_distribute_work]] determines a good decomposition of the
grid~[[d]] into [[size(rng)]] pieces.  This decomposition is encoded
in the array [[d]] where [[d(1,:)]] holds the dimensions along which
to split the grid and [[d(2,:)]] holds the corrsponding number of
divisions.  Using this information, the grid is decomposed by
[[vamp_fork_grid]].  A good HPF compiler will then distribute the
[[!HPF$ INDEPENDENT]] loop among the processors. Finally,
[[vamp_join_grid]] gathers the results.
<<Parallel implementation of $S_n=S_0(rS_0)^n$ (HPF)>>=
type(tao_random_state), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: rng
type(vamp_grid), intent(inout) :: g
integer, intent(in) :: iterations
<<Interface declaration for [[func]]>>
type(vamp_grid), dimension(:), allocatable :: gs, gx
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: d
integer :: iteration, num_workers
iterate: do iteration = 1, iterations
   call vamp_distribute_work (size (rng), vamp_rigid_divisions (g), d)
   num_workers = max (1, product (d(2,:)))
   if (num_workers > 1) then
      allocate (gs(num_workers), gx(vamp_fork_grid_joints (d)))
      call vamp_create_grid (gs)
      call vamp_fork_grid (g, gs, gx, d)
      do i = 1, num_workers
         call vamp_sample_grid0 (rng(i), gs(i), func)
      end do
      call vamp_join_grid (g, gs, gx, d)
      call vamp_delete_grid (gs)
      deallocate (gs, gx)
      call vamp_sample_grid0 (rng(1), g, func)
   end if
   call vamp_refine_grid (g)
end do iterate
@ Since [[vamp_sample_grid0]] performes the bulk of the
computaion, an almost linear speedup\footnote{Caveat emptor: the
scalability of this version has not been tested yet, because we don't
have access to a reliable HPF compiler.  In particular, one might have
to insert further HPF directives that distribute the array [[gs]]
properly. Furthermore [[vamp_fork_grid]] is not local and one might
want to tune it to the processor topology. The gain will be very
small, however.} with the number of processors can be achieved, if
[[vamp_distribute_work]] finds a good decomposition of the grid.  The
version distributed with VAMP does a good job in most cases, but will
fail if the number of processors is a prime number larger than the
number of divisions in the stratification grid.  Therefore it can be
beneficial to tune [[vamp_distribute_work]] to specific hardware.
Furthermore, using a finer stratification grid can improve performance.
@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
The MPI version is more low level, because we have to keep track of
message passing ourselves.  Note that we have made this
synchronization points explicit with three
[[if ... then ... else ... end if]] blocks: forking, sampling,
joining.  These blocks could be merged for almost no performance gain
at the expense of readability.  We assume that [[rng]] has been
initialized in each process such that the sequences are again
statistically independent.
<<Parallel implementation of $S_n=S_0(rS_0)^n$ (MPI)>>=
type(tao_random_state), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: rng
type(vamp_grid), intent(inout) :: g
integer, intent(in) :: iterations
<<Interface declaration for [[func]]>>
type(vamp_grid), dimension(:), allocatable :: gs, gx
integer, dimension(:,:), pointer :: d
integer :: num_proc, proc_id, iteration, num_workers
call mpi90_size (num_proc)
call mpi90_rank (proc_id)
iterate: do iteration = 1, iterations
   if (proc_id == 0) then
      call vamp_distribute_work (num_proc, vamp_rigid_divisions (g), d)
      num_workers = max (1, product (d(2,:)))
   end if
   call mpi90_broadcast (num_workers, 0)
   if (proc_id == 0) then
      allocate (gs(num_workers), gx(vamp_fork_grid_joints (d)))
      call vamp_create_grid (gs)
      call vamp_fork_grid (g, gs, gx, d)
      do i = 2, num_workers
         call vampi_send_grid (gs(i), i-1, 0)
      end do
   else if (proc_id < num_workers) then
      call vampi_receive_grid (g, 0, 0)
   end if
   if (proc_id == 0) then
      if (num_workers > 1) then
         call vamp_sample_grid0 (rng, gs(1), func)
         call vamp_sample_grid0 (rng, g, func)
      end if
   else if (proc_id < num_workers) then
      call vamp_sample_grid0 (rng, g, func)
   end if
   if (proc_id == 0) then
      do i = 2, num_workers
         call vampi_receive_grid (gs(i), i-1, 0)
      end do
      call vamp_join_grid (g, gs, gx, d)
      call vamp_delete_grid (gs)
      deallocate (gs, gx)
      call vamp_refine_grid (g)
   else if (proc_id < num_workers) then
      call vampi_send_grid (g, 0, 0)
   end if
end do iterate

Thorsten Ohl, Physics Department, TU Darmstadt -- [log in to unmask] [<=== PGP public key here]
