

Alison said:

> My current favourite under-appreciated poets: Georg Trakl, Jean Follain, 
> Quasimodo, Muriel Rukeyser.  I've been reading Lorca again with the usual

> astonishment and joy but I guess he's hardly underappreciated, although 
> in my three days subscribing to this list I've seen no mention of the 
> Spanish

Yes yes yes to Muriel R. In fact I mentioned her backchannel to Doug Oliver
yesterday, wondering why no-one had brought her name up on the list. 

I'd like to toss in a couple more: Johannes Bobrowski - pretty good
translations available from Matthew Mead - and Vicente Huidobro, who has
been less fortunate with his translators, except for his obra maestra,
Altazor, available in Eliot Weinberger's translation from Graywolf in the

