

On Tuesday there will be a 2 or 3 hander at SVP

Ira Lightman
Shawn Walker

and Gilbert Adair - the interesting one of the two of that name - if he
makes it

Some of you may have heard that there will be a tube strike and have been
wondering what to do. Well, I am here to help you.

You are to ignore the tube strike and come by any means possible. If that
means taking a day off from the world cup, well, there's nothing else you
can do. Everyone will understand. It may mean leaving work early; but your
boss will just have to be reasonable. This is a major series and every stage
of it is important.

For those of you cut off by melting glaciers or wolves at the bottom of the
tree, there is always Fantasy Sub Voicive Poetry - the magazine - still
struggling into birth this time round which will feature Johan de Wit
definitely and Ira and Shawn possibly depending on post - if not, next time.
L9.50 6 issues payable to me.

So sod the world cup
see you at the three cups

and no violence to followers of other art forms on the way please

