

		for friends work
		on happy un
		remedial strike out
		pp          or
		find work n
		hap n remedia
		strike out yourself

The truth of a process makes sense to and among those at the end of the         
process, where the transcription of thought on the page is a clean mirror       
to both writer and readers, writer as s/he writes, reader as s/he reads;        
the book unwritten is the look that speaks volumes between and among such.      
This so rare that most of us do in the name of more, ever more, vocal and       
verbal, dropped out of empathy then yanked back, the lack of us in "you-you"    
the vocation of study, time out.                                                
Oscar does not believe that art is being and thought is ugliness. He says so    
as in his day was no art and thought. Those who use Freud as if he were         
himself as benign and liberational as they do what he did not put sex against   
the ban on sex, power against stable.                                           
Such sects! Lift up hearts, prey on. The dream can only create if sleep is      
not for the provision of rest, o day for rest and night for study. Bade the     
body. The good faith goads the intellect setting the church of our agenda       
which, fulfilled, burns. We digest the stone and break into a jog.              
Dream breathing. Think, your very heart beating is bleeding and the blood       
next to come is bleeding into your heart, the oxygen is bleeding to become      
blood, the folks with beating blood are beating the air only. Dream wing.       
All every night walk by the venue in their heads where perfect truth of         
process plays the energy of creation. All have greater artists than             
Shakespeare to meet, but avery eye, don't converse, few attend, few             
remember, we are special in knowing we're special not especially.               
The perfect dreamer in all, in each, not a speaking to us all. Few go to        
sleep with the energy to mingle. I know I'm not alone in this. Shakespeare      
the artist in history, fifty of the sixteenth and seventeenth hundreds of       
years, everyone is Shakespeare.                                                 
The dead can dance. Dreams trot through our excuses, scared to knock such       
vital guards. The fear's not explained till the dream's not come back           
against twenty such sentries. Step out of the stage and into the tubes.         
Stick to your gun till you blow off your head, walk again on your legs no       
one else's, carry your seed as she grows in your arms, out of your pain, let    
her, away from your pain. Think well of yourself, use your hands, get a grip,   
on the non-carnal gun.                                                          
So many arms, swinging under the noosed throats, the unspoken carried on so     
many legs. Like dream life's accidents, vile, we dream nearer and nearer, the   
guard hangs in the air, twitching, tapping. We feel bumped into until, joy,     
we are alive.                                                                   
The ambient never wake up. Like you don't. You begin to ban humour and          
alcohol, the mares buck and head for the guards in new hope. Rest is not it,    
without truth towards process towards truth.                                    
If you're still reading, no-one's got anything. Some *should* let thoughts      
fester in the mind, process the festering. I know mortally the years from       
when I was born, each day the unit of measurement cuts history into me-sized    
portions, knowing ledges. I dodder to think the art of it.                      
Sophocles mortal braved Freud, now so less winning. The Freud-led walk through  
him, more to hurt that if they'd gone by him, on every shelf in every           
flame-stricken library? Mind how you go. Excavate Plato, afraid to go out,      
for dream research.                                                             
Nothing like life to keep you from dying, the nerves are steel strings, loud    
acoustic. Song begins the vibration, words reason the entry, into society,      
largely worthy of nothing so clarity!                                           
Be you once, the harsh heart sooner or timely, a slick into two dimensions,     
of prose, this nuisance is losing its once fascination, the pattern returns     
to its usual dynamic. Think in the two, drink in the third, things they don't   
want to reveal indicate why do you say that.                                    
I get it. Draw on planes, repairing the prairie, the gasses from the busses,    
the hole us. Destroy two to save three. The hurt behind the face understood     
yields to surf on the face again.                                               
The month from a flame that took our collection, from our senses, and           
flashed a banner over a dish of a dominant hemisphere, the northern, a cap      
with the bill right in front of our eyes. A missable interactive experience,    
a miserable sky made it so.                                                     
Is cool holodeck sky? I sensed it cambe back to my name, but a short therapist  
circuits the patient, tree dimensional. I'll take my "clumsiness", I didn't     
dream "it" up, I ride broken in the bumps of a world I ought never to have      
believed was mine only thought. Alive-in world.                                 
The process of a sense makes truth to and among those at the head of a          
process, where the transcription of truth on the page is a claimed mirror to    
both writers and reader, writer as reader as utter; the book unsmitten is       
the look that speaks volumes between and among such.  
