

Steve Duffy ---

Poetics derived of Batmemes most bizarre. Could've used your help when
editor of zine asked for positive piece in support of randomization
software. As stands jumbled wordblots under nose makes writers dizzy.  Like
those who wear unattractive neckties or polka dot socks.

The piece follows ---

Text randomization programs have increasingly becoming popular among poets.
The craft of writing poetry may lend itself to stimulation by a computer
application tireless and nimble random association. Indeed, from my own
experience, the technique of pasting blocks of text into random text program
often leads to unexpected and mixed results.

The text randomization applications have multiple features which can be
adjusted to one's needs. Jumble by verbs only, or nouns or adjective
transmutation. Many text randomization programs are available free or
shareware for download on the internet such as the ones listed here.

Download sites:


Though early returns would indicate Batmemes wins the race, with its better
graphic interface. Babble is an old stand-by. Either way one can easily
imagine how randomization programs could assist by breaking one's writing
routine. Free association, boon to new phrase making.

The simple point being that one can take, for example, a book or music
review or literary essay and insert it into the randomizer. The random text
program jumbles the text. Then by free association one can make new and
unexpected associations, meaning, strange things once invisible suddenly may
pop up. The mind perhaps moved in new directions. A new spin.

One pastes or types text into its window and then the text can be randomized
completely, or jumbled partially by highlighting a section. There are often
usually a variety of types of randomization. Or transmutation types.
Offering more unusual derivations of thought and substance.

The ability to select more parts of speech, allowing to operate on more of
your original text. Ideally a text randomizer would increase facility, as
well as vocabulary. What frees the mind moves the spirit. Could be fun.

As Rorschach inkblot test are used to stimulate psychology patients to speak
their minds. Word perception analogous perhaps to inkblot. That dark
amorphous cloud that brings forth perhaps creative spirit. A touch of the
inner child and the inner cry.

Inkblots or wordblots being those meaningless blobs of ink (words) that stir
the imagination. The wordblots not really doing anything. Though something
occurs, some transaction between the perception of wordblots and what's on
the writer's mind.

Thus, a projective technique by word association and storytelling or
poem-making. The wordblot drawing on previously inhibited impulses,
encouraging by ambiguity, complexity, or downright meaninglessness the
creative gift.

The dreamstate invoked, as one cannot readily make sense of darkness, though
by dreaming one does take the upperhand. The wordblot perhaps opening a door
to the private
world of ideas, fears and wishes.

The suggestive quality of wordblots lending to possible interpretations. A
multidimensional construction which fills the void of the empty page.

Ernest Slyman
email: [log in to unmask]
