

Cool, who said that?
Interesting, who said that?
food for thoughts, who said that?
thoughts for interesting cool food, who said that?
shaped like an X and a Y with a pair in the corner, who said that?

Through love,

It was 08:48 23/09/98 -0700, when { brad brace } emailed:
~  "Perhaps the most hallowed of traditions among artists of creative
~  vigor is this: traditions in the creative arts are per se suspect.
~  For they exist on the patrimony of standardization, which means
~  degeneration. They dominate because they are to the interest of
~  some group that has the power to perpetuate them, and they cease
~  to dominate when some equally powerful group undertakes to bend them
~  to a new pattern. It is not difficult for the alert student to
~  acquire the traditional techniques. Under the pressures of study
~  these are unconsciously and all too easily absorbed. The extent
~  to which an individual can resist being blindly led by tradition
~  is a good measure of his (sic) vitality.
~  "Traditions remain undisturbed when we say: let us improve ourselves;
~  let us become better pianists, teachers, conductors, better composers.
~  They remain undisturbed when we say: let us increase the knowledge
~  and appreciation of 'good' art. Traditions remain undisturbed,
~  univestigated, and therefore a culture based upon such
~  palpably noble precepts is already senile."  H.P.
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