

Dennis Barrington-Light wrote:
> You may recall that I asked some time ago about the publication of results
> on the Web.  Since then I have asked the Data Protection Registrar for a
> formal response to a paper I have written on the subject.
> They have replied seeking further clarification of a number of points but
> colleagues may be interested to know that their general thrust so far is
> that universities should not publish individual results in any form without
> the consent of the individual (which presumably could be refused).  This
> would include the pasting up of pass lists, etc.  within the institution.

This sounds crazy - I can see a distinct difference between publication
in the local press and 'publication' on a noticeboard, in a graduation
brochure etc even if the Registrar can't.

I am sure you are right in saying that many institutions publish on
paper pass lists of info derived from computer-held data. I hadn't
thought of this as against the law, but await the outcome of your
investigations with interest!

AJ Flack
Assistant Registrar
Norwich NR4 7TJ
01603 592967
