

Multidisciplinary Training for MLSOs

I found the "Guidelines for Training for Multidisciplinary Working Practices", Biomedical Scientist:February 1997;66-67 a useful framework for multidisciplinary MLSO training. I have been using this for over 1 year.

I have responsibility for a Clinical Biochemistry department and a medium size multidisciplinary laboratory.  Each MLSO working in the multidisciplinary laboratory has an individual training record and works his/her way through the three Bands and associated Phases outlined in the Guidelines.  

Important elements are:

"Following suitable assessment, Band 1 and 2 techniques could be done on call before Band 3 training is completed" 

According to the Guidelines completion of Bands 1 and 2 "should probably be measured in weeks", Band 3 "should not be completed in less than 12 months".

I have found the timescales a little optimistic but the framework is robust.  Original staff are now coming up to the Assessment and completion of Band 3.  New staff simply enter the training programme, with eligibility to work out of hours (shift system) measured in weeks to months and completion of Band 3 occuring in 12-18 months. 

The multidisciplinary laboratory was recently inspected by CPA who accepted this training framework.

The Guidelines offer a pragmatic approach to training of MLSOs in multidisiplinary laboratories and the IBMS should be congratulated.

However, cross-training for Clinical Scientists in other disciplines is not so straight forward!


Dr Martin Myers
Clinical Biochemistry
Royal Preston Hospital

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