

I agree!

Date:          Wed, 11 Nov 1998 10:20:23 +0000
Subject:       Re: RAE
From:          "G.Steinke" <[log in to unmask]>
To:            [log in to unmask]
Reply-to:      [log in to unmask]

Dear Gisela,

I'm sending this to the list, basically to canvass support.

somebody has presumably already said this, but it seems to me that you
yourself are an eminently suitable candidate for the European Studies panel.


At 10:07 11/11/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear fellow WIGS members
>As you know thoughts on the subject of RAE panel nominees 
>have been flying to and fro and are helping the WIGS 
>Committee to shape their submission. As far as the German 
>et al panel is concerned, there seems to be no difficulty 
>in coming by a respectable as well as realistic list. 
>Things are a little different regarding the European 
>Studies panel. Although many of our members will be 
>included in submissions to this panel and are therefore 
>keen to ensure proper representation for German as well as 
>women's studies, no clear picture is as yet emerging as 
>to whom we might want to put forward. 
>Just to remind you, we are looking for someone 
>with "research pre-eminence" or "demonstrated ability to 
>make judgments about research quality" and generally high 
>professional standing. Of course, the same name can be 
>given for both panels if that seems sensible. 
>Please let me know (as soon as possible) if you have any 
>thoughts on whom we might want to put forward as a 
>candidate for the European Studies panel. We would also 
>welcome to hear the reasons for your choice (as we need to 
>spell them out in our HEFCE return).
>Thanks for your help.
>Gisela Shaw
>Shaw, Gisela
>Email: [log in to unmask]
>"University of the West of England"
Gabriela Steinke                              *
Senior Lecturer in German                     *
School of Languages and European Studies      *
University of Wolverhampton                   * 
Stafford Street                               *
Wolverhampton WV1 1SB                         *
UK 					      *	
tel: ++44 1902 322476			      *
fax: ++44 1902 322739                         *                  
