

For a scalar beta, 

   beta ~ dnorm(zero, tau)  I(betalower, betaupper);

will produce gibbs sampling variates that only fall within betalower
and betaupper. I need to do a multivariate version of I() as explained

In a data analysis problem involving correlated censored variables, I
need to produce VECTOR gibbs sampling variates that are constrained to
fall within hyperrectangles. I would like to do something like:

 beta[] ~ dmnorm(zero[], omega[,]) I(betalower[], betaupper[])

where beta[] is now a vector, betalower[] and betaupper[] now mark the
limits of the acceptable hyperrectangle. The above statement does not
work as is, presumably because I() does not handle vectors.

Is there any way in BUGS to specify acceptable regions on VECTOR

Thank you,
- Anand 

Anand V. Bodapati                         Rm 492, Leverone 
Assistant. Professor			  Phone: (847)467-2767
Kellogg Graduate School of Management     Sec'y: (847)491-3522
Northwestern University                   Fax:   (847)491-2498 
Evanston, IL 60208-2001                   Email: [log in to unmask]
